By Cath Isabedra Angie King, once primarily known in the realm of supercars, has steered her focus towards a groundbreaking agricultural venture in the Philippines. King Tower Farm, her brainchild, stands as a symbol of sustainability and innovation in a region traditionally tethered to conventional farming practices. The transition from high-performance vehicles to high-efficiency farming wasn't immediate. It was driven by King’s firsthand experiences with problematic soil conditions and … [Read more...] about From super cars to super crops: Angie King’s visionary transition to King Tower Farm
Viet Nam’s Food Innovation Hub calls for climate agritech pioneers to join the Grow Asia Innovation Challenge
The Grow Asia Innovation Challenge, a leading initiative of the Food Innovation Hub in Viet Nam (FIH-V), is partnering with digital agri-food pioneers to revolutionize climate-resilient agriculture across Viet Nam and Southeast Asia. Launched by Grow Asia and Beanstalk AgTech, with support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Korea's Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), the innovation challenge is seeking ready-to-scale, climate-smart … [Read more...] about Viet Nam’s Food Innovation Hub calls for climate agritech pioneers to join the Grow Asia Innovation Challenge
Native bee honey given the tick of approval
By Dean Haley, Chair of ANBA Honey Committee, Brisbane The Australian Native Bee Association (ANBA) is very pleased that Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has approved our application to permit the sale and use of honey produced by Australian native stingless bees. FSANZ gazetted the new standard in Amendment No 229 to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code on 22 July 2024. FSANZ has performed a rigorous review of the data provided in the ANBA application, together with … [Read more...] about Native bee honey given the tick of approval