Courtesy of Creispel & Deiters Group
Apartment-style stand 4.1H141 conveys the customer focus of its wheat-based solutions
Zwingenberg/Germany, October 2023 – At this year’s FiE in Frankfurt, Loryma presents trend-oriented, wheat-based solutions for meat alternatives, baked and breaded products, and the sports nutrition sector. Visitors to the fair will be welcomed to a stand that is reminiscent of an inviting apartment, making it clear that the wheat specialist’s range is oriented towards the everyday needs of consumers.
The symbolic home-style Loryma stand perfectly illustrates the fact that the food specialist of the Crespel & Deiters Group offers flexible solutions that perfectly meet the needs of different target groups. Philipp Deiters, Global Head of Division Food of the Crespel & Deiters Group, explains the approach: “From a clean list of ingredients, balanced nutritional values or purely plant-based foods – corresponding snacks or convenience products are currently in great demand. We therefore see ourselves as a partner to manufacturers in all food segments. Our solutions help to meet different requirements in an uncomplicated and efficient way.”
The functionalities of Loryma’s ingredients are demonstrated using product examples that are aligned with the application areas and their requirements:
Bakery industry: innovative, vegan stabilisation system compensates for egg or milk
Loryma presents a new stabilising system that is free of animal ingredients, artificial emulsifiers, colourings, flavourings and preservatives. The wheat-based Lory® Stab perfectly replicates the technological properties of egg or milk in baked goods, ensuring an authentic result. As a basic premix, the system enables simple and flexible recipe design for a wide range of applications such as muffins, sponge cakes, cake bases, and lavacakes. In addition to the new stabilising system, the wheat specialist offers further functional ingredients for the baking industry: Lory® Starch Elara is a resistant wheat starch that increases fibre content while reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the end product. Depending on the product, the hydrolysed wheat protein Lory® Protein and the extruded Lory® Tex Powder, which does not impair dough rheology, are particularly suitable for enrichment with high-quality vegetable protein.
Meat alternatives: heat-stable, clean-label salami substitute
Fermentation plays an important role in Loryma’s application for the authentic visual and sensory replication of salami as a plant-based product. Wheat texturates from the Lory® Tex range form the structure-giving basis, while the wheat-based binder (Lory® Bind) ensures optimal binding and heat stability and protein content in line with the original.
Sports snacks with a vegan crunch
The crunchy protein-rich cookie is an example of how nutritional value and texture can be optimally combined. Various raw materials from Loryma are guaranteed to meet the needs of sports and health enthusiasts, including the hydrolysate Lory® Protein and resistant starch Lory® Starch Elara. These ingredients allow for increased protein and fibre content, and a reduction in carbohydrates. While the Lory® Crisp Crispies primarily provide a crunchy effect, the Lory® IsoCrisp extrudates score with both their protein content and crunchy texture.
Panade systems: love at first bite
As a manufacturer and developer of breading systems, Loryma’s portfolio offers the entire spectrum of functional raw materials for wet breadings and functional blends for batters, tempura, breadcrumbs, and dustings, as well as texturising coatings. Extruded crumbs and crispies offer sensory highlights, especially in the final coating.
At the stand, trade visitors can put themselves in the shoes of their target group. In addition to high-quality ingredients made from European wheat, Loryma provides holistic support for implementation and adaptation to individual production conditions.